Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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Text File
1,926 lines
Begin Form frmServerObject
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "Save/Restore Server Object"
ClientHeight = 5625
ClientLeft = 2895
ClientTop = 2730
ClientWidth = 8055
Height = 6030
Icon = SROBJ.FRX:0000
Left = 2835
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 5625
ScaleWidth = 8055
Top = 2385
Width = 8175
Begin Timer tmrDisplay
Enabled = 0 'False
Interval = 1000
Left = 60
Top = 5820
Begin Frame zfraRestoreTo
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Restore To AS/400 Library"
Height = 915
Left = 60
TabIndex = 25
Top = 4650
Width = 4365
Begin CommandButton cmdRestore
Caption = "&Restore"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
Left = 2400
TabIndex = 12
Top = 480
Width = 1785
Begin TextBox txtRestoreLibrary
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 120
TabIndex = 11
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Library"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 9
Left = 120
TabIndex = 26
Top = 240
Width = 1365
Begin Frame zfraPCDataFile
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "PC Data File"
Height = 915
Left = 60
TabIndex = 27
Top = 3660
Width = 7905
Begin TextBox txtPCFileName
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 120
TabIndex = 9
Top = 480
Width = 1695
Begin TextBox txtPCFileDirectory
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 1860
TabIndex = 10
Top = 480
Width = 5955
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Name"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 7
Left = 120
TabIndex = 28
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Directory"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 8
Left = 1860
TabIndex = 32
Top = 240
Width = 1350
Begin Frame zFra400DataFile
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "AS/400 Data File"
Height = 915
Left = 60
TabIndex = 35
Top = 1320
Width = 4395
Begin TextBox txtDataFileName
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 120
TabIndex = 20
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin TextBox txtDataFileLibrary
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 21
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin Label zlbl
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Name"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 5
Left = 120
TabIndex = 36
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Library"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 6
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 37
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Frame zfra400SaveFile
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "AS/400 Save File"
Height = 915
Left = 60
TabIndex = 31
Top = 360
Width = 4395
Begin TextBox txtSaveFileName
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 120
TabIndex = 14
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin TextBox txtSaveFileLibrary
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 15
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Name"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 3
Left = 120
TabIndex = 34
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Library"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 4
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 33
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Frame zfraSaveObject
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Save Object"
Height = 1335
Left = 60
TabIndex = 30
Top = 2280
Width = 7905
Begin ComboBox cboObjectRelease
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 315
Left = 6390
TabIndex = 4
Top = 480
Width = 1215
Begin CommandButton cmdCreate
Caption = "&Create Save Set"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
Left = 2370
TabIndex = 6
Top = 870
Width = 1785
Begin CommandButton cmdSets
Caption = "Selec&t Save Set"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
Left = 120
TabIndex = 5
Top = 870
Width = 1785
Begin CommandButton cmdSave
Caption = "&Save"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
Left = 4590
TabIndex = 8
Top = 870
Width = 1785
Begin TextBox txtObjectName
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 120
TabIndex = 1
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin TextBox txtObjectLibrary
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 2
Top = 480
Width = 1935
Begin ComboBox cboObjectType
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 315
Left = 4560
TabIndex = 3
Top = 480
Width = 1215
Begin ComboBox cboSets
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 315
Left = 120
Sorted = -1 'True
Style = 2 'Dropdown List
TabIndex = 0
Top = 480
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 7695
Begin CommandButton cmdDelete
Caption = "&Delete Save Set"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
Left = 2370
TabIndex = 7
Top = 870
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1785
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Release"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 14
Left = 6390
TabIndex = 45
Top = 240
Width = 855
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Name"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 0
Left = 120
TabIndex = 22
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Library"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 1
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 23
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Type"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 2
Left = 4560
TabIndex = 24
Top = 240
Width = 1485
Begin Frame zfraServerProgram
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "AS/400 Server Program"
Height = 1875
Left = 4530
TabIndex = 29
Top = 360
Width = 3435
Begin ComboBox cboSystems
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 315
Left = 90
Style = 2 'Dropdown List
TabIndex = 44
Top = 450
Width = 1905
Begin ComboBox cboPriority
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 315
Left = 2340
Style = 2 'Dropdown List
TabIndex = 19
Top = 1440
Width = 795
Begin TextBox txtServerLibrary
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 285
Left = 90
TabIndex = 16
Top = 1440
Width = 1935
Begin OptionButton optServerMethod
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "REXX"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 1
Left = 2340
TabIndex = 18
Top = 720
Width = 855
Begin OptionButton optServerMethod
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "RPG"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 0
Left = 2340
TabIndex = 17
Top = 480
Value = -1 'True
Width = 735
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Type"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 13
Left = 2310
TabIndex = 43
Top = 240
Width = 615
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "System"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 12
Left = 90
TabIndex = 42
Top = 240
Width = 615
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Priority"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 11
Left = 2340
TabIndex = 39
Top = 1170
Width = 615
Begin Label zlbl
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Library"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 225
Index = 10
Left = 90
TabIndex = 38
Top = 1200
Width = 915
Begin CommandButton cmdExit
Caption = "E&xit"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
Left = 6150
TabIndex = 13
Top = 5130
Width = 1785
Begin Label lblStatus
Alignment = 2 'Center
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H0000FF00&
Height = 255
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 41
Top = 60
Width = 6645
Begin Label lblTime
Alignment = 2 'Center
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H0000FF00&
Height = 255
Left = 60
TabIndex = 40
Top = 60
Width = 1275
Option Explicit
' Constants:
Const bGet = True ' get default info
Const bSAVE = False ' save default info
Const nSAVEFILE_RECORD_SIZE = 528 ' record size in save file
Const sSERVER_RPG = "SROBJRPG" ' RPG server
Const sSERVER_REX = "SROBJREX" ' REXX server
Const sSOURCE_REX = "SRCREX" ' REXX source file
' Variables:
Dim bSaving As Integer ' running a save
Dim nRC As Integer ' return code
Dim sINIFile As String ' application INI file
Dim sCmd As String ' remote command to execute
Dim sMsgs As String ' remote command messages returned
Dim sPartnerSYS As String ' Partner system
Sub AppDefaults (bGet As Integer)
' Description:
' Get or save defaults
' Parameters:
' bGet get defaults from file
' Constants:
Const sTOPIC1 = "Library"
Const sTOPIC2 = "Type"
Const sTOPIC3 = "Name"
Const sTOPIC4 = "Priority"
Const sTOPIC5 = "System"
Const sTOPIC6 = "Release"
Const sVALUE1 = "RPG"
Const sVALUE2 = "REXX"
' Variables:
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim nRC As Integer
Dim s1 As String
MousePointer = HOURGLASS
' setup file reference
nRC = zzINISetFile(sINIFile)
' if getting defaults
If bGet Then
' setup first section
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION1)
' put list of systems into control
Call zzCAPutSystemListIntoCtrl(Me.hWnd, cboSystems)
' get AS/400 server name
nRC = zzINIGetString(sTOPIC5, sPartnerSYS)
' see if match found
For n1 = 0 To cboSystems.ListCount - 1
If cboSystems.List(n1) = sPartnerSYS Then
cboSystems.ListIndex = n1
Exit For
End If
' get server library
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC1, txtServerLibrary)
' get RPG/REXX option
nRC = zzINIGetString(sTOPIC2, s1)
optServerMethod(0).Value = (s1 = sVALUE1)
optServerMethod(1).Value = (s1 = sVALUE2)
' get job priority option
nRC = zzINIGetInteger(sTOPIC4, n1)
cboPriority.ListIndex = n1
' get object information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION2)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC3, txtObjectName)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC1, txtObjectLibrary)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC2, cboObjectType)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC6, cboObjectRelease)
' get save file information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION3)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC3, txtSaveFileName)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC1, txtSaveFileLibrary)
' get data file information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION4)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC3, txtDataFileName)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC1, txtDataFileLibrary)
' get PC file information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION5)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC3, txtPCFileName)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC1, txtPCFileDirectory)
' get restore library information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION6)
nRC = zzINIGetStringIntoTB(sTOPIC1, txtRestoreLibrary)
' get save sets
Call SaveSets(bGet)
' if saving defaults
' save AS/400 server library, type, priority
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION1)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC5, sPartnerSYS)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC1, txtServerLibrary.Text)
If optServerMethod(0) Then
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC2, sVALUE1)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC2, sVALUE2)
End If
nRC = zzINIPutInteger(sTOPIC4, cboPriority.ListIndex)
' save object information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION2)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC3, txtObjectName.Text)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC1, txtObjectLibrary.Text)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC2, cboObjectType.Text)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC6, cboObjectRelease.Text)
' save save file information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION3)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC3, txtSaveFileName.Text)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC1, txtSaveFileLibrary.Text)
' save data file information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION4)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC3, txtDataFileName.Text)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC1, txtDataFileLibrary.Text)
' save PC file information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION5)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC3, txtPCFileName.Text)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC1, txtPCFileDirectory.Text)
' save restore library information
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION6)
nRC = zzINIPutString(sTOPIC1, txtRestoreLibrary.Text)
' save save sets
Call SaveSets(bGet)
End If
MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
Sub cboObjectRelease_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(cboObjectRelease, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub cboObjectType_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(cboObjectType, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub cboSets_Click ()
' Variables:
Dim n2 As Integer
Dim s1 As String
Dim sDir As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim sLib As String
Dim sName As String
Dim sPath As String
Dim sRelease As String
Dim sType As String
' if form done loading
If tmrDisplay.Enabled Then
' if item selected
If cboSets.ListIndex >= 0 Then
' get currently selected item
s1 = cboSets.List(cboSets.ListIndex)
' find library/name seperator
n2 = InStr(s1, "/")
If n2 > 0 Then
' get library
sLib = Left$(s1, n2 - 1)
s1 = Mid$(s1, n2 + 1)
' get object name
n2 = InStr(s1, " ")
If n2 > 0 Then
sName = Left$(s1, n2 - 1)
s1 = Mid$(s1, n2 + 1)
' get object type
n2 = InStr(s1, " to ")
If n2 > 0 Then
sType = Left$(s1, n2 - 1)
' get directory and file
s1 = Mid$(s1, n2 + 4)
n2 = InStr(s1, " *")
If n2 = 0 Then n2 = InStr(s1, " V")
If n2 > 0 Then
sPath = Left$(s1, n2 - 1)
sRelease = Mid$(s1, n2 + 1)
sPath = s1
sRelease = "*CURRENT"
End If
' parse path name
Call zzFileParse(sPath, sDir, sFile)
End If
End If
End If
End If
' setup controls
If sName <> gsEMPTY Then txtObjectName = sName
If sLib <> gsEMPTY Then txtObjectLibrary = sLib
If sType <> gsEMPTY Then cboObjectType = sType
If sRelease <> gsEMPTY Then cboObjectRelease = sRelease
If sFile <> gsEMPTY Then txtPCFileName = sFile
If sDir <> gsEMPTY Then txtPCFileDirectory = sDir
End If
End Sub
Sub cboSystems_Click ()
' place selected system in variable
sPartnerSYS = cboSystems.Text
End Sub
Sub cmdCreate_Click ()
' Description:
' Creates a save set entry if one
' does not already exist
' Variables:
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim s1 As String
' if maximum has not been reached
If cboSets.ListCount < 100 Then
' if valid values in controls
If txtObjectName.Text <> gsEMPTY Then
If txtObjectLibrary.Text <> gsEMPTY Then
If cboObjectType.Text <> gsEMPTY Then
If cboObjectRelease.Text <> gsEMPTY Then
' build string to add to combo box
s1 = UCase$(Trim$(txtObjectLibrary.Text) & "/" & Trim$(txtObjectName.Text) & " " & Trim$(cboObjectType.Text))
s1 = s1 & " to " & UCase$(zzPathFormat(Trim$(txtPCFileDirectory.Text)) & Trim$(txtPCFileName.Text))
s1 = s1 & " " & UCase$(cboObjectRelease.Text)
' see if already in combo box
' if it is then no use to add it again
For n1 = 0 To cboSets.ListCount - 1
If s1 = cboSets.List(n1) Then
If Not bSaving Then MsgBox "'" & s1 & "' already exists as save set.", MB_ICONSTOP
Exit Sub
End If
Next n1
' add the new entry
cboSets.AddItem s1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdDelete_Click ()
' remove current entry
If cboSets.ListIndex >= 0 Then
' setup message box
gsMBText = "Are you sure you wish to delete current entry '"
gsMBText = gsMBText & cboSets.List(cboSets.ListIndex) & "'?"
' remove entry
cboSets.RemoveItem cboSets.ListIndex
If cboSets.ListCount > 0 Then
cboSets.ListIndex = 0
cboSets.ListIndex = -1
End If
cmdDelete.Enabled = cboSets.ListCount > 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdExit_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub cmdRestore_Click ()
' Description:
' Restore object(s)
' Variables:
Dim sLibrary As String ' original sav library
Dim sObjectsRestored As String ' text showing number of objects restored
' please wait...
Screen.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
' validate the data
If DataValidation(False) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' get library name
If GetSaveLibrary(sLibrary) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' set job priority, ignore messages that
lblStatus = "Setting job priority"
sCmd = "CHGJOB RUNPTY(" & cboPriority.Text & ")"
If RunCmd(gsEMPTY, gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' create the libary, ignore messages that
' library created (CPC2102) or library already exists (CPF2111)
lblStatus = "Library " & txtRestoreLibrary & " being created"
sCmd = "CRTLIB LIB(" & txtRestoreLibrary & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC2102", "CPF2111") <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' create the data file, ignore messages that
' file created (CPC7301) or already exists (CPF5813)
lblStatus = "Data file " & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & " being created"
sCmd = "CRTPF FILE(" & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & ") RCDLEN(528)"
If RunCmd("CPC7301", "CPF5813") <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' clear the data file, ignore messages that
' physical file cleared (CPC3101)
lblStatus = "Data file " & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & " being cleared"
sCmd = "CLRPFM FILE(" & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC3101", gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' transfer the file from the pc
lblStatus = "PC file being copied to data file"
If ObjectUpload() <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' create save file, ignore messages that
' file created (CPC7301) or already exists (CPF5813)
lblStatus = "Save file " & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & " being created"
sCmd = "CRTSAVF FILE(" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC7301", "CPF5813") <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' clear the savefile, ignore messages that file cleared
lblStatus = "Save file " & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & " being cleared"
sCmd = "CLRSAVF FILE(" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC3725", gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' use RPG to copy data file to save file
If optServerMethod(0) = True Then
lblStatus = "Data file being copied to save file"
sCmd = "CALL " & txtServerLibrary & "/" & sSERVER_RPG & " ('" & txtSaveFileName & "' '" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "' '" & txtDataFileName & "' '" & txtDataFileLibrary & "' 'TOSAVF')"
If RunCmd(gsEMPTY, gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' use REXX to copy data file to save file
lblStatus = "Data file being copied to save file"
sCmd = "STRREXPRC SRCMBR(" & sSERVER_REX & ") SRCFILE(" & txtServerLibrary & "/" & sSOURCE_REX & ") PARM('" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & " tosavf " & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & "')"
If RunCmd(gsEMPTY, gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
End If
' restore the object, ignore messages that
' xxxx number of objects restored (CPC3703)
lblStatus = "Object(s) being restored"
sCmd = "RSTOBJ OBJ(" & txtObjectName & ") SAVLIB(" & sLibrary & ") DEV(*SAVF) OBJTYPE(" & cboObjectType.Text & ") SAVF(" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & ") RSTLIB(" & txtRestoreLibrary & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC3703", gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdRestoreExit
' see how many objects restored
sObjectsRestored = Trim$(Mid$(sMsgs, InStr(sMsgs, ":") + 1))
If Len(sObjectsRestored) > 3 Then sObjectsRestored = Left$(sObjectsRestored, Len(sObjectsRestored) - 3)
lblStatus = sObjectsRestored
' end of save sequence
' end "orphaned" remote command job
nRC = zzSREndConversation(Me.hWnd, cboSystems.Text)
Screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
Sub cmdSave_Click ()
' Description:
' Save object(s)
' Variables:
Dim sObjsSaved As String ' text showing number of objects saved
lblStatus = gsEMPTY
Screen.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
' set saving flag
bSaving = True
' save current object(s)
' as save set entry
cmdCreate = True
' validate the data
If DataValidation(True) <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' set job priority, ignore messages that
lblStatus = "Setting job priority"
sCmd = "CHGJOB RUNPTY(" & cboPriority.Text & ")"
If RunCmd(gsEMPTY, gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' create save file, ignore messages that
' file created (CPC7301) or already exists (CPF5813)
lblStatus = "Save file " & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & " being created"
sCmd = "CRTSAVF FILE(" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC7301", "CPF5813") <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' clear the save file, ignore messages that
' save file cleared (CPC3725)
lblStatus = "Save file " & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & " being cleared"
sCmd = "CLRSAVF FILE(" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC3725", gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' create the data file, ignore messages that
' file created (CPC7301) or already exists (CPF5813)
lblStatus = "Data file " & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & " being created"
sCmd = "CRTPF FILE(" & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & ") RCDLEN(528)"
If RunCmd("CPC7301", "CPF5813") <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' clear the data file, ignore messages that
' physical file cleared (CPC3101)
lblStatus = "Data file " & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & " being cleared"
sCmd = "CLRPFM FILE(" & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC3101", gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' save the object(s), ignore messages that
' xxxx number of objects saved
lblStatus = "Object(s) being saved to save file"
sCmd = "SAVOBJ OBJ(" & txtObjectName & ") LIB(" & txtObjectLibrary & ") DEV(*SAVF) OBJTYPE(" & cboObjectType.Text & ") SAVF(" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & ") TGTRLS(" & cboObjectRelease.Text & ")"
If RunCmd("CPC3722", "CPC3723") <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' see how many objects saved
sObjsSaved = Trim$(Mid$(sMsgs, InStr(sMsgs, ":") + 1))
If Len(sObjsSaved) > 3 Then sObjsSaved = Left$(sObjsSaved, Len(sObjsSaved) - 3)
' convert using RPG program
If optServerMethod(0) Then
lblStatus = "Save file being copied to data file"
sCmd = "CALL " & txtServerLibrary & "/" & sSERVER_RPG & " ('" & txtSaveFileName & "' '" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "' '" & txtDataFileName & "' '" & txtDataFileLibrary & "' 'FROMSAVF')"
If RunCmd(gsEMPTY, gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' convert using REXX program
lblStatus = "Save file being copied to data file"
sCmd = "STRREXPRC SRCMBR(" & sSERVER_REX & ") SRCFILE(" & txtServerLibrary & "/" & sSOURCE_REX & ") PARM('" & txtSaveFileLibrary & "/" & txtSaveFileName & " fromsavf " & txtDataFileLibrary & "/" & txtDataFileName & "')"
If RunCmd(gsEMPTY, gsEMPTY) <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
End If
' transfer the file to the pc
lblStatus = "Data file being copied to PC file"
If ObjectDownload() <> True Then GoTo cmdSaveExit
' show how many objects saved
lblStatus = sObjsSaved
' end of save sequence
' end "orphaned" remote command job
nRC = zzSREndConversation(Me.hWnd, cboSystems.Text)
Screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
' set saving flag off
bSaving = False
End Sub
Sub cmdSets_Click ()
' if user wants to view save sets
If cmdSets.Caption = "Selec&t Save Set" Then
' hide/show controls
zlbl(1).Visible = False
zlbl(2).Visible = False
zlbl(14).Visible = False
txtObjectName.Visible = False
txtObjectLibrary.Visible = False
cboObjectType.Visible = False
cboObjectRelease.Visible = False
cmdCreate.Visible = False
cmdDelete.Visible = True
cmdSave.Visible = False
cboSets.Visible = True
cmdDelete.Visible = True
cmdDelete.Enabled = cboSets.ListCount > 0
zfraPCDataFile.Visible = False
' set selection if none picked
If cboSets.ListCount > 0 Then
If cboSets.ListIndex = -1 Then
cboSets.ListIndex = 0
End If
End If
' change captions
zlbl(0).Caption = "Save Sets"
cmdSets.Caption = "&Hide Save Sets"
' hide/show controls
zlbl(0).Visible = True
zlbl(1).Visible = True
zlbl(2).Visible = True
zlbl(14).Visible = True
txtObjectName.Visible = True
txtObjectLibrary.Visible = True
cboObjectType.Visible = True
cboObjectRelease.Visible = True
cmdCreate.Visible = True
cmdSave.Visible = True
cboSets.Visible = False
cmdDelete.Visible = False
zfraPCDataFile.Visible = True
' change captions
zlbl(0).Caption = "Name"
cmdSets.Caption = "Selec&t Save Set"
End If
End Sub
Function DataValidation (ByVal bSaving%) As Integer
' Description:
' Makes sure data is correct
' Parameters:
' bSaving saving object flag
' Variables:
Dim nFileNum As Integer ' file number
Dim sMsg As String ' message text
Dim sFile As String ' file name
' clear messages
gsMBText = gsEMPTY
' test system selected
If Len(cboSystems) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Object system is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test object name
If Len(Trim$(txtObjectName)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Object name is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test object library
If Len(Trim$(txtObjectLibrary)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Object library is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test object type
If Len(Trim$(cboObjectType.Text)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Object type is blank. Please enter or select."
End If
' test object release
If Len(Trim$(cboObjectRelease.Text)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Object release level is blank. Please enter or select."
End If
' test save file name
If Len(Trim$(txtSaveFileName)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Save File name is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test save File Library
If Len(Trim$(txtSaveFileLibrary)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Save File library is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test data file name
If Len(Trim$(txtDataFileName)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Data File name is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test data file Library
If Len(Trim$(txtDataFileLibrary)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Data File library is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test restore Library
If Len(Trim$(txtRestoreLibrary)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "Restore Library is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test PC file name
If Len(Trim$(txtPCFileName)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "PC File name is blank. Please enter."
End If
' test PC Directory
If Len(Trim$(txtPCFileDirectory)) = 0 Then
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "PC File directory is blank. Please enter."
End If
' if no error yet see if file name ok
sFile = Trim$(txtPCFileDirectory)
If Right$(sFile, 1) <> "\" Then sFile = sFile & "\"
sFile = sFile & Trim$(txtPCFileName)
' if PC file exists then
If bSaving Then
If zzFileExists(sFile) Then
sMsg = UCase$(sFile) & " already exists and will be overwritten."
sMsg = sMsg & " Do you wish to continue?"
gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "PC File name or directory must be changed to prevent overwrite. Please enter new name and/or directory."
End If
End If
End If
' handle errors
On Error Resume Next
Err = 0
' open the file
nFileNum = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary As #nFileNum
' if any error then show text on message box
If Err <> 0 Then gsMBText = gsMBText & gsCHR_CR & "PC File error: " & Error$
' close file
Close #nFileNum
On Error GoTo 0
' errors encountered
If gsMBText <> gsEMPTY Then
DataValidation = False
' errors not found
DataValidation = True
End If
End Function
Sub Form_Load ()
' Variables:
Dim n1 As Integer
' setup global variables
Call zzSetGlobalVariables
' setup title and INI file
App.Title = "Save/Restore Server Object"
sINIFile = App.Path & "\srobj.ini"
' center form
Call zzFormCenter(Me)
' setup object types combo
Call ObjectTypes
' setup job priorities
cboPriority.AddItem "10"
cboPriority.AddItem "20"
cboPriority.AddItem "30"
cboPriority.AddItem "40"
cboPriority.AddItem "50"
cboPriority.AddItem "60"
' setup job priorities
cboObjectRelease.AddItem "*CURRENT"
cboObjectRelease.AddItem "*PRV"
cboObjectRelease.AddItem "V2R3M0"
cboObjectRelease.AddItem "V3R0M5"
cboObjectRelease.AddItem "V3R1M0"
cboObjectRelease.AddItem "V3R1M1"
' get program defaults
Call AppDefaults(bGet)
' turn on timer
tmrDisplay.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
' save current settings as defaults
Call AppDefaults(bSAVE)
' end program
End Sub
Function GetSaveLibrary (sLibrary$) As Integer
' Description:
' Returns the library that the object(s)
' was originally saved from. This is
' necessary for the RSTOBJ command.
' Parameters:
' sLibrary library name returned
' Variables:
Dim nFileNum As Integer ' file number
Dim sFile As String ' file name
' open PC file to be uploaded
sFile = Trim$(txtPCFileDirectory.Text)
If Right$(sFile, 1) <> "\" Then sFile = sFile & "\"
sFile = sFile & Trim$(txtPCFileName.Text)
nFileNum = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary As nFileNum
' fill with blanks
sLibrary = Space$(12)
' get the string containing library name
Get #nFileNum, 1315, sLibrary
' convert to ascii
sLibrary = Trim$(zzCV_EBCDICToASCII(Me.hWnd, sLibrary))
' close the file
Close nFileNum
' return true or false to caller
GetSaveLibrary = sLibrary <> gsEMPTY
End Function
Sub Gobble (c As Control, KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble up ENTER and make caps
KeyASCII = 0
SendKeys "{TAB}"
KeyASCII = Asc(UCase$(Chr$(KeyASCII)))
End If
End Sub
Function ObjectDownload () As Integer
' Description:
' Download data file which contains actual
' save file data to the local PC file
' Variables:
Dim lConvID As Long ' conversation id
Dim lProcCallBack As Long ' call back address
Dim nAPIRC As Integer ' return code
Dim nFileNum As Integer ' file number
Dim nNumTemplates As Integer ' number of fields
Dim sBuffer As String ' transfer buffer
Dim sDataReturned As String ' data returned
Dim sFile As String ' file name
' execute SELECT
sBuffer = "SELECT * FROM " & Trim$(txtDataFileLibrary.Text) & "/" & Trim$(txtDataFileName.Text)
nAPIRC = zzTFOpen(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, sBuffer, cboSystems.Text, nNumTemplates)
' if select worked
If nAPIRC = gnTF_OK Then
' setup the PC file name
sFile = Trim$(txtPCFileDirectory)
If Right$(sFile, 1) <> "\" Then sFile = sFile & "\"
sFile = sFile & Trim$(txtPCFileName)
' delete and open PC file
On Error Resume Next
Kill sFile
nFileNum = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary As #nFileNum
' retrieve records
nAPIRC = zzTFGetRecord(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, cboSystems.Text, gnTF_NO_CONVERSION, sDataReturned)
If nAPIRC <> gnTF_OK Then Exit Do
Put #nFileNum, , sDataReturned
' close file and conversation
Close #nFileNum
ObjectDownload = True
MsgBox "File transfer download error 'x'" & Hex$(nAPIRC) & " encountered.", MB_ICONSTOP
ObjectDownload = False
End If
' close active transfer requests
nAPIRC = zzTFEndConversation(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, cboSystems.Text)
End Function
Sub ObjectTypes ()
' Description
' Loads the object type Combo with valid AS400 object types.
' Variables:
Dim c As Control
' use a abbreviated name as a pointer to the cboObjectType Object
Set c = cboObjectType
' clear the combo box contents
' add the combo box items
c.AddItem "*ALL"
c.AddItem "*ALRTBL"
c.AddItem "*AUTL"
c.AddItem "*BNDDIR"
c.AddItem "*CFGL"
c.AddItem "*CHTFMT"
c.AddItem "*CLD"
c.AddItem "*CLS"
c.AddItem "*CMD"
c.AddItem "*CNNL"
c.AddItem "*COSD"
c.AddItem "*CSI"
c.AddItem "*CSPMAP"
c.AddItem "*CSPTBL"
c.AddItem "*CTLD"
c.AddItem "*DEVD"
c.AddItem "*DOC"
c.AddItem "*DTAARA"
c.AddItem "*DTADCT"
c.AddItem "*DTAQ"
c.AddItem "*EDTD"
c.AddItem "*FCT"
c.AddItem "*FILE"
c.AddItem "*FLR"
c.AddItem "*FNTRSC"
c.AddItem "*FORMDF"
c.AddItem "*FTR"
c.AddItem "*GSS"
c.AddItem "*JOBD"
c.AddItem "*JOBQ"
c.AddItem "*JOBSCD"
c.AddItem "*JRN"
c.AddItem "*JRNRCV"
c.AddItem "*LIB"
c.AddItem "*LIND"
c.AddItem "*MENU"
c.AddItem "*MODD"
c.AddItem "*MODULE"
c.AddItem "*MSGF"
c.AddItem "*MSGQ"
c.AddItem "*NODL"
c.AddItem "*NWID"
c.AddItem "*OUTQ"
c.AddItem "*OVL"
c.AddItem "*PAGDFN"
c.AddItem "*PAGSEG"
c.AddItem "*PDG"
c.AddItem "*PGM"
c.AddItem "*PNLGRP"
c.AddItem "*PRDVAL"
c.AddItem "*PRDDFN"
c.AddItem "*PRDLOD"
c.AddItem "*QMFORM"
c.AddItem "*QMQRY"
c.AddItem "*QRYDFN"
c.AddItem "*RCT"
c.AddItem "*SBSD"
c.AddItem "*SCHIDX"
c.AddItem "*SPADCT"
c.AddItem "*SQLPKG"
c.AddItem "*SRVPGM"
c.AddItem "*SSND"
c.AddItem "*S36"
c.AddItem "*TBL"
c.AddItem "*USRIDX"
c.AddItem "*USRPRF"
c.AddItem "*USRQ"
c.AddItem "*USRSPC"
c.AddItem "*WSCCST"
End Sub
Function ObjectUpload () As Integer
' Description:
' Upload PC file which contains save file
' data to the AS/400 data file which will
' be copied to the save file.
' Variables:
Dim lConvID As Long ' conversation id
Dim lProcCallBack As Long ' call back address
Dim lI As Long ' working index
Dim lLOF As Long ' length of file
Dim lRecords As Long ' number of records to process
Dim nAPIRC As Integer ' return code
Dim nFileNum As Integer ' file number
Dim nNumTemplates As Integer ' number of fields
Dim sBuffer As String ' transfer buffer
Dim sFile As String ' file name
Dim sRecord As String ' data returned
' execute REPLACE
sBuffer = "REPLACE * INTO " + Trim$(txtDataFileLibrary.Text) & "/" & Trim$(txtDataFileName.Text)
nAPIRC = zzTFOpen(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, sBuffer, cboSystems.Text, nNumTemplates)
' no transfer error
If nAPIRC = gnTF_OK Then
' open PC file to be uploaded
sFile = Trim$(txtPCFileDirectory.Text)
If Right$(sFile, 1) <> "\" Then sFile = sFile & "\"
sFile = sFile & Trim$(txtPCFileName.Text)
nFileNum = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary As nFileNum
' get count of records
lLOF = LOF(nFileNum)
' write each record to AS/400
For lI = 1 To lRecords
Get #nFileNum, , sRecord
nAPIRC = zzTFSendRecord(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, cboSystems.Text, gnTF_NO_CONVERSION, sRecord, nSAVEFILE_RECORD_SIZE)
If nAPIRC = gnTF_EOF Then Exit For
Next lI
' close the output file
Close nFileNum
ObjectUpload = True
' error
MsgBox "File transfer upload error 'x'" & Hex$(nAPIRC) & " encountered.", MB_ICONSTOP
ObjectUpload = False
End If
' close file
nAPIRC = zzTFClose(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, cboSystems.Text)
' close active transfer requests
nAPIRC = zzTFEndConversation(Me.hWnd, lProcCallBack, lConvID, cboSystems.Text)
End Function
Sub optServerMethod_KeyPress (Index As Integer, KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(optServerMethod(Index), KeyASCII)
End Sub
Function RunCmd (ByVal sIgnoreMsg1$, ByVal sIgnoreMsg2$) As Integer
' Description:
' Execute command passed
' Parameters:
' sIgnoreMsg1 1st message to ignore
' sIgnoreMsg2 2nd message to ignore
' Variables:
Dim lProcCallBack As Long ' call back address
Dim nAPIRC As Integer ' API return code
Dim nZ As Integer ' work index
' assume command worked
RunCmd = True
' submit command
nAPIRC = zzSRCmdAndFormatMsgsWithCB(Me.hWnd, cboSystems.Text, sCmd, sMsgs, lProcCallBack)
' if no severe error
If nAPIRC <= gnSR_ERROR Then
' if messages returned
If Len(sMsgs) > 0 Then
' don't ignore 1st message
If sIgnoreMsg1 = gsEMPTY Then
' show messages
RunCmd = False
' ignore 1st message
' if 1st message not found
nZ = InStr(1, sMsgs, sIgnoreMsg1)
If nZ = 0 Then
' don't ignore 2nd message
If sIgnoreMsg2 = gsEMPTY Then
RunCmd = False
' if 2nd message not found then
' show messages that were returned
If InStr(1, sMsgs, sIgnoreMsg2) = 0 Then
RunCmd = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
' if severe error show it
' command did not work
MsgBox "Remote command error 'x'" & Hex$(nAPIRC) & " encountered.", MB_ICONSTOP
RunCmd = False
End If
' give up timeslice
End Function
Sub SaveSets (ByVal bGet%)
' Description:
' Get or save save sets
' Parameters:
' bGet get defaults from file
' Constants:
' Variables:
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim s1 As String
' if getting defaults
If bGet Then
' setup save sets section
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION6)
' clear any existing entries
' up to 100 entries possible
For n1 = 0 To 99
' get next entry
nRC = zzINIGetString(Right$("0" & Format$(n1), 2), s1)
' if something returned add to combo box
If s1 <> gsEMPTY Then cboSets.AddItem s1
Next n1
' move to first entry
If cboSets.ListCount > 0 Then
cboSets.ListIndex = 0
End If
' if saving sets
' delete all entries in existing section
nRC = zzINIDelSection(sSECTION6)
' setup save sets section
nRC = zzINISetSection(sSECTION6)
' up to 99 entries possible
For n1 = 0 To cboSets.ListCount - 1
' get entry from combo box
s1 = cboSets.List(n1)
' put next entry into INI file
nRC = zzINIPutString(Right$("0" & Format$(n1), 2), s1)
Next n1
End If
End Sub
Sub tmrDisplay_Timer ()
' show time
lblTime = Format$(Time$, "h:mm:ss AM/PM")
End Sub
Sub txtDataFileLibrary_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtDataFileLibrary, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtDataFileName_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtDataFileName, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtObjectLibrary_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtObjectLibrary, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtObjectName_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtObjectName, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtPCFileDirectory_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtPCFileDirectory, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtPCFileName_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtPCFileName, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtRestoreLibrary_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtRestoreLibrary, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtSaveFileLibrary_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtSaveFileLibrary, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtSaveFileName_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtSaveFileName, KeyASCII)
End Sub
Sub txtServerLibrary_KeyPress (KeyASCII As Integer)
' gobble enter key and convert entry to uppercase
Call Gobble(txtServerLibrary, KeyASCII)
End Sub